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- Biomechanics
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- Social Sciences and Humanities
[Annals of Formalized Mathematics]
Annals of Formalized Mathematics
Founded in 2024, the MathOA-supported journal Annals of Formalized Mathematics publishes original articles about formalized mathematics and mathematical applications of proof assistants. The journal accepts papers in English that are typically accompanied by a code artifact.
- Director of publication: Jos Baeten
- Managing Editors: Robert Y. Lewis ; Filippo A. E. Nuccio Mortarino Majno di Capriglio
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2024
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2024
- Subjects: formalized mathematics
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: MathOA
- Address: Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, P.O. Box 94079, 1090 GB Amsterdam
- Country: The Netherlands
- Contact: afm AT episciences.org
[Network analysis for social sciences]
Network analysis for social sciences
Created in 2016, Arcs—Network analysis for social sciences is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to network analysis in the humanities and social sciences. The journal publishes articles in French or English, encouraging reproducible research and data sharing.
- Director of publication: Éric Denis
- Editors-in-chief: Laurent Beauguitte, Claire Lagesse and Marion Maisonobe
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2016
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2017
- eISSN: 2610-2609
- Subject: Social Sciences and Humanities
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: UMR8504 Géographie-cités
- Address: bâtiment de recherches sud, Campus Condorcet, 5 cours des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: arcs AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Construction de Réseaux d'Ordre Supérieur à partir de Traces : Méthodes et Outils
Chaînes relationnelles dans l'accès à l'emploi : perspective à partir d'une enquête récente en France
[Revue africaine de recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées]
Revue africaine de recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées
The Revue africaine de recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées (ARIMA) was born in 2002 from a North/South scientific collaboration carried out in the wake of the activities of the African Colloquium for Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (Colloque africain pour la recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées, CARI). The journal publishes the research results of these collaborations in French and English on an ongoing basis.
- Director of publication: Maurice Tchuenté
- Editor-in-chief: Nabil Gmati ; Mathieu Roche ; Tayou Djamegni Clémentin
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2002
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2016
- eISSN: 1638-5713
- Subjects: Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: African Society in Digital Science
- Address: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Dschang, P.O. Box 96 Dschang
- Country: Cameroon
- Contact: arima AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Prise en compte du temps et des catégories d'item dans l'estimation des influences sociales implicites pour l'amélioration des systèmes de recommandation basés sur la confiance.
Clustering-based Graph Numbering using Execution Traces for Cache Misses Reduction in Graph Analysis Applications
[Archéologies. Sociétés, réseaux, matériaux]
Archéologies. Sociétés, réseaux, matériaux
The journal Archéologies. Sociétés, réseaux, matériaux was founded in 2023. Supported by Université Lumière Lyon 2, it publishes multidisciplinary research in French, from recent prehistory to the modern era.
- Director of publication: Nathalie Dompnier
- Editor-in-chief: Anne Schmitt
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2023
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2023
- eISSN: 3003-5430
- Subjects: archaeology
- Language of publication: French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Université Lumière Lyon 2
- Address: 5 avenue Pierre Mendès France, 69676 Bron
- Country: France
- Contact: asrm AT episciences.org
Latest articles
L’approvisionnement en molasse dans les bâtiments savoyards du bord du Léman au Moyen Âge : l’exemple du château de Ripaille
Nous entrerons dans la carrière quand nos aînés n'y seront plus. Difficultés de découverte, de datation et d'interprétation des carrières médiévales en Lorraine
[Communications in Mathematics]
Communications in Mathematics
Communications in Mathematics—created in 2009—is the continuation of the journal Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis, founded in 1993, which became Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis in 2003. Communications in Mathematics publishes research and review articles in English in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, mathematical physics and computer science.
- Director of publication: Jan Lata
- Editor-in-chief: Ivan Kaygorodov
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2009
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 2336-1298
- Subjects: mathematics
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY-SA 4.0 licence
- Publisher: University of Ostrava
- Address: Dvořákova 7, 701 03 Ostrava
- Country: Czech Republic
- Contact: cm AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Constructions of well-rounded algebraic lattices over odd prime degree cyclic number fields
On polynomial equations over split octonions
Founded in 2017, Compositionality welcomes research articles in English in the field of the mathematics of composition across all disciplines. The journal is published by the Compositionality Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
- Director of publication: John Baez
- Editors-in-chief: Aleks Kissinger ; Joachim Kock
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2017
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2024
- eISSN: 2631-4444
- Subjects: mathematics, computation, logic, physics, chemistry, engineering, linguistics, cognition
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Compositionality Charitable Incorporated Organisation
- Address: 108 Kennington Road, Kennington, Oxford, OX1 5PE
- Country: United Kingdom
- Contact: compositionality AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Information Decomposition Diagrams Applied beyond Shannon Entropy: A Generalization of Hu's Theorem
Homotopy Theoretic and Categorical Models of Neural Information Networks
[Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport]
Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport
Created in 1979, the Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport/Scientific Papers in Transportation publishes biannual varia or thematic issues of articles on the field of transport, mobility and logistics. Supported by the French Association of Transport and Logistics Institutes (AFITL), the journal highlights the disciplinary diversity of the contributions.
- Director of publication: Antoine Frémont
- Editor-in-chief: Laurent Carnis
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: biannual
- Date created: 1979
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2022
- eISSN: 1150-8809
- Subjects: development, engineering, management sciences, political science, urbanism
- Language of publication: French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Association française des instituts de transport et de logistique (AFITL)
- Address: Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers, Direction de la recherche, 4DRE01, 292 rue Saint-Martin, 75141 Paris Cedex 03
- Country: France
- Contact: cst AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Des petits ports aux grands ports : une perspective historique de la hiérarchisation des ports à Madagascar
Techniques d’inspection à distance dans les ports scandinaves de petite et moyenne taille
Data & Corpus
[The SSH Data Journal]
Data & Corpus
The SSH Data Journal
Coming soon
Data & Corpus. The SSH Data Journal was created in 2024 to publish and promote data in the humanities and social sciences, particularly in French. Published by the University of Lorraine with the support of MSH Lorraine, it publishes an annual volume and occasional articles.
- Director of publication: Hélène Boulanger
- Editor-in-chief: Florence Thiault and Audrey Knauf
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2024
- Subjects: social sciences and humanities
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC-BY-ND 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Université de Lorraine
- Address: MSH Lorraine – UAR 3261, CNRS/Université de Lorraine, 23-25 rue Baron Louis, 54000 Nancy
- Country: France
- Contact: dc AT episciences.org
[Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science]
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS) is a peer-reviewed journal created in 1997. As a member of the DMTCS Association, it publishes research articles in English in the fields of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, especially at the intersection of these two disciplines.
- Director of publication: Jens Gustedt
- Editors-in-chief: Christoph Haase, Dieter Rautenbach, Sergi Elizalde and Hadas Shachnai
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 1997
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2016
- eISSN: 1365-8050
- Subjects: mathematics, computer science
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Association DMTCS
- Address: c/o Jens Gustedt, 67A avenue Jean-Jaurès, 67100 Strasbourg
- Country: France
- Contact: dmtcs AT episciences.org
Latest articles
A polynomial bound on the number of minimal separators and potential maximal cliques in $P_6$-free graphs of bounded clique number
Treewidth 2 in the Planar Graph Product Structure Theorem
[Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement]
Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement
Launched in 2021, Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement (EID) is an evolution of the journal Déchets Sciences & Techniques created in 1996. Supported by INSA Lyon, EID welcomes research articles and feedback, in French or English, in the fields of industrial and urban environment, circular economy and territorial industrial ecology.
- Director of publication: Frédéric Fotiadu
- Editor-in-chief: Mathieu Gautier
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: three issues per year
- Date created: 1996
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 2778-844X
- Subject: environment engineering
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: INSA de Lyon
- Address: 20 avenue Albert Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: eid AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Potentiel des biochars à base de résidus agricoles pour le traitement des eaux usées domestiques par filtres à flux verticaux plantés d'Echinochloa pyramidalis
Méthode de quantification des flux des mines urbaines : cas des briques en terre cuite en Ile de France
[Electronic Publishing]
Electronic Publishing
The ElPub conference, held annually between 1997 and 2020, presents the results of research on various aspects of digital publishing, involving a diverse international community from all disciplines in the sciences and humanities.
The last ElPub conference was held in 2020; the texts of the 2018, 2019 and 2020 conferences are still available on the website.
- Medium: electronic
- Collection: 2018-2020
- Frequency: annual
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2018
- Language of publication: English
Latest articles
[Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science]
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science
ENTICS—Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science—publishes proceedings of conferences and workshops in English that include significant theoretical advances in computer science and theoretical informatics.
- Director of publication: Bruno Sportisse
- Editor-in-chief: Michael Mislove
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2022
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2023
- eISSN: 2969-2431
- Subjects: computer science, theoretical informatics
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Inria
- Address: Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt – B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: entics AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Implicit automata in {\lambda}-calculi III: affine planar string-to-string functions
Cost-sensitive computational adequacy of higher-order recursion in synthetic domain theory
[Épijournal de Didactique et Epistémologie des Mathématiques pour l’Enseignement Supérieur]
Épijournal de Didactique et Epistémologie des Mathématiques pour l’Enseignement Supérieur
Epijournal de Didactique et Epistémologie des Mathématiques pour l’Enseignement Supérieur (EpiDEMES) is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 2019 that publishes articles in French or English. EpiDEMES aims to build a documentary base for the initial and continuing education of teachers in higher education. The fields covered are didactics and epistemology of mathematics (AMS 97-XX Mathematics Education classification) with the object of study being mathematics in higher education and the phenomena linked to its teaching-learning.
- Director of publication: Nicolas Grenier-Boley
- Editors-in-chief: Nicolas Grenier-Boley and Hussein Sabra
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: biannual
- Date created: 2019
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2019
- eISSN: 2970-166X
- Subjects: mathematics, didactics of mathematics
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY-SA 4.0 licence
- Country: France
- Contact: epidemes AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Didactique et épistémologie des mathématiques et leurs interactions pour la médiation et l'enseignement supérieur
Théorie des Situations Didactiques et situations de preuve : étude de deux exemples
[Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique]
Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique
Epijournal de Géométrie Algébrique (Epiga) is a peer-reviewed mathematics journal created in 2016. Supported by the Epiga Association, it publishes articles annually in French or in English. The fields covered are algebraic geometry in the broadest sense, including complex and arithmetic geometry, algebraic group theory and representations.
- Director of publication: Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput
- Coordinating editor: Stéphane Druel
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2016
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2016
- eISSN: 2491-6765
- Subjects: mathematics, algebraic geometry
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY-SA 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Association Épiga
- Address: Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, Université de Lorraine, BP 70239, 54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: epiga AT episciences.org
Latest articles
The LLV Algebra for Primitive Symplectic Varieties with Isolated Singularities
Hyperelliptic curves and Ulrich sheaves on the complete intersection of two quadrics
[Fundamenta Informaticae]
Fundamenta Informaticae
Fundamenta Informaticae, established in 1977, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all areas of computer science, with main focus on theoretical foundations. The journal is published as Series IV of Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae, by the Polish Mathematical Society.
- Director of publication: Prof. Jacek Miękisz
- Editor-in-chief: Bartek Klin
- Medium: print and electronic
- Frequency: 3-4 volumes per year
- Date created: 1977
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2020
- eISSN: 1875-8681
- Subjects: computer science
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Polish Mathematical Society
- Address: ul. Śniadeckich 8, 00-656 Warszawa
- Country: Poland
- Contact: fi AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Proving Confluence in the Confluence Framework with CONFident
On Complexity Bounds and Confluence of Parallel Term Rewriting
[Hardy-Ramanujan Journal]
Hardy-Ramanujan Journal
Created in 1978, Hardy-Ramanujan Journal is a peer-reviewed journal. Published by the Hardy-Ramanujan Society, it publishes articles in English in fundamental mathematics, more specifically in number theory.
- Director of publication: C.S. Aravinda
- Editors-in-chief: C.S. Aravinda ; Atul Dixit ; Kotyada Srinivas
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 1978
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2014
- eISSN: 2804-7370
- Subjects: mathematics, number theory
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Hardy-Ramanujan Society
- Address: Bhavana Trust, No.24, `Athreya’ 21st Main, 2nd Block, BSK I Stage BANGALORE — 560 050
- Country: India
- Contact: hrj AT episciences.org
Latest articles
A generalization of a fourth irreducibility theorem of I. Schur
[Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities]
Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities
Created in 2014, the Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities (JDMDH) is situated at the intersection of data mining and digital humanities. The articles published concern both knowledge extraction and management (network analysis, information extraction, semantic web, preference analysis, machine learning) and the humanities and social sciences (historical, political, linguistic, sociological, geographical, communication and archiving) in the digital age.
- Director of publication: Bruno Sportisse
- Editors-in-chief: Richi Nayak ; Laurent Romary ; Nicolas Turenne
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2014
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2014
- eISSN: 2416-5999
- Subjects: social sciences and humanities, digital humanities, text mining
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Inria
- Address: Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt – B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: jdmdh AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Out of Context! Managing the Limitations of Context Windows in ChatGPT-4o Text Analyses
Comparing Human-Perceived Cluster Characteristics through the Lens of CIPHE: Measuring Coherence beyond Keywords
[journal of Groups, Complexity, Cryptology]
journal of Groups, Complexity, Cryptology
The journal of Groups, Complexity, Cryptology (jGCC) is the continuation of the journal Groups, Complexity, Cryptology created in 2009. A peer-reviewed biannual journal, jGCC publishes research articles in the fields of combinatorial and computational group theory, complexity theory and cryptology.
- Director of publication: Murray Elder
- Editors-in-chief: Murray Elder ; Vladimir Shpilrain
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: biannual
- Date created: 2009
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2020
- eISSN: 1869-6104
- Subjects: combinatorial and computational group theory, complexity theory, cryptology
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Contact: gcc-contact AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Conjugacy Class Growth in Virtually Abelian Groups
Computing the unit group of a commutative finite $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra
[Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science]
Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science
Created in 2016, Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science (JIMIS) is an interdisciplinary journal crossing scientific views between humanities and social sciences and exact and experimental sciences. Supported by Éditions universitaires d’Avignon, the publication addresses transversal, thematic or methodological themes in the form of transdisciplinary special issues. The articles are published in English and French on a rolling basis.
- Director of publication: Julie Deramond
- Editor-in-chief: Didier Josselin
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2016
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2016
- eISSN: 2430-3038
- Subject: interdisciplinary
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Éditions universitaires d’Avignon
- Address: 74 rue Louis Pasteur, 84029 Avignon Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: jimis AT espisciences.org
Latest articles
Tetiaroa diachronic geomorphology 1955 -2023 Monitoring the shoreline and vegetation cover of tropical atoll in the climate change context
Recyclage des données pour la planification spatiale marine: examen des plans maritimes en Europe
[Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système]
Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système
Created in 2008 by the Association francophone d’interaction humain-machine, the Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système (JIPS) succeeded the Revue d’Interaction Homme-Machine (RIHM), itself founded in 1997 and active until 2007 (then becoming the Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées).
JIPS ceased publication in April 2022; published articles remain accessible on the journal’s website.
- Director of publication: Sophie Dupuy-Chessa
- Medium: electronic
- Collection: 2010-2020
- Date created: 2008
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2014
- eISSN: 2418-1838
- Subjects: computer science, engineering, technology, cognitive science
- Languages of publication: English, French
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Association Francophone d’Interaction Homme-Machine (AFIHM)
- Address: 385 rue de la Bibliothèque, 38041 Grenoble Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: presidence AT afihm.org
Latest articles
[Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization]
Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization
Established in 2019, the Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization (JNSAO) publishes articles in English on all aspects of nonsmooth analysis related to optimization and equilibrium problems.
- Director of publication: Christian Clason
- Editors-in-chief: Christian Clason ; Tuomo Valkonen
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2019
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2019
- eISSN: 2700-7448
- Subjects: variational analysis, theory and algorithms for nonsmooth optimization and equilibrium problems, robust and chance-constrained stochastic optimization
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Contact: jnsao AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Second-order conditions for spatio-temporally sparse optimal control via second subderivatives
A topological derivative-based algorithm to solve optimal control problems with $L^0(\Omega)$ control cost
[Journal of Data- and Knowledge-integrated Simulation Science]
Journal of Data- and Knowledge-integrated Simulation Science
Coming soon
Journal of Data- and Knowledge-integrated Simulation Science (JoDaKISS) is an international, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to supporting and advancing simulation science by publishing high-quality data and software for scientific computer simulations. It is published by the Stuttgart Center of Simulation Science (SC SimTech, University of Stuttgart, Germany).
- Director of publication: Holger Steeb
- Editorial Board: Bernd Flemisch, Dominik Göddeke, Jeroen Hanselman, Jan Heiland, Sibylle Hermann, Melanie Herschel, Timo Koch, Holger Steeb
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2024
- eISSN: 2944-7666
- Subjects: Simulation Science, Data-Rich Experiments, Direct Numerical Simulations
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Stuttgart Center of Simulation Science (SC SimTech)
- Address: Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart
- Country: Germany
- Contact: jodakiss AT episciences.org
J. Philos. Econ.
[Journal of Philosophical Economics]
J. Philos. Econ.
Journal of Philosophical Economics
Journal of Philosophical Economics is a social science journal founded in 2007. Published by Editura ASE, J. Philos. Econ. publishes one volume per year containing articles and book reviews in German, English or French.
- Director of publication: Dr. Simona Bușoi
- Editor-in-chief: Valentin Cojanu
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2007
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 1844-8208
- Subjects: Social sciences, Philosophy, Economic theory
- Languages of publication: English, French, German
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Editura ASE
- Address: Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti, Piata Romana 6, 010374 Bucuresti
- Country: Romania
- Contact: jpe AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Cultural Economics and Economic Epistemology: some Preliminary Considerations
Review of Having Too Much: Philosophical Essays on Limitarianism, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, Cambridge, UK, Open Book Publishers, 2023
[Journal of Studies of the Earth’s Deep Interior]
Journal of Studies of the Earth’s Deep Interior
Coming soon
Founded in 2025, the journal of Studies of the Earth’s Deep Interior is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of original English-language research in the geosciences and, more specifically, in the deep Earth. Edited by ENS Éditions, the journal is published annually.
- Director of publication: Emmanuel Trizac
- Editors-in-chief: John Hernlund and Stéphane Labrosse
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2025
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2025
- Subjects: Earth sciences
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review or open peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: ENS Éditions
- Address: 15 parvis René Descartes, BP 7000, 69342 Lyon cedex 07
- Country: France
- Contact: jsedi AT episciences.org
[Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics]
Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics
Established in 2021, Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics (JTCAM) welcomes research in English in the field of solid mechanics and mechanics of materials and structures. The journal publishes theoretical, numerical, applied and experimental research contributions on an ongoing basis.
- Director of publication: Bruno Sportisse
- Editorial Board: Harsha S. Bhat, Laurence Brassart, Stéphanie Chaillat-Loseille, Lori Graham-Brady, Shaocheng Ji, Phu Nguyen, Anna Pandolfi, Alexander Popp, Julien Réthoré, Olivier Thomas, Laszlo S. Toth
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2021
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 2726-6141
- Subjects: Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind or open peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Inria
- Address: Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: jtcam AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Multi-material topology optimization of structural load-bearing capacity using limit analysis
The Redundancy Matrix as a Performance Indicator for Structural Assessment
[Logical Methods in Computer Science]
Logical Methods in Computer Science
Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) publishes research articles in English on theoretical and practical areas of computer science involving logical methods, taken in a broad sense. Established in 2014, the journal is edited by Logical Methods in Computer Science e.V., a non-profit organisation whose aim is to facilitate the dissemination of scientific results related to logic in computer science.
- Director of publication: Lars Birkedal
- Editor-in-chief: Stefan Milius
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2014
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2015
- eISSN: 1860-5974
- Subjects: computer science, logical methods
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Logical Methods in Computer Science e.V.
- Country: Germany
- Contact: lmcs AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Unbalanced Triangle Detection and Enumeration Hardness for Unions of Conjunctive Queries
Characterising memory in infinite games
[Multidisciplinary Biomechanics Journal]
Multidisciplinary Biomechanics Journal
Created in 2024 by the Société de Biomécanique, Multidisciplinary Biomechanics Journal is an annual journal publishing, in English, contributions from the French and French-speaking community in the field of biomechanics.
- Director of publication: Yohan Payan
- Editor-in-chief: Yoann Blache
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2024
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2024
- eISSN: 3076-1158
- Subjects: Biomechanics
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Société de Biomécanique
- Address: Ensam, 151 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris
- Country: France
- Contact: mbj AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Assessing jump dynamics through a smartphone video
[Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications]
Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications
Established in 2021, the journal Mathematical Neuroscience and Applications (MNA) focuses on mathematical modelling and analysis in all areas of neuroscience, i.e. the study of the nervous system and its dysfunctions. It is a continuation of the Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (2011-2021), previously published by Springer. The journal welcomes articles in English.
- Director of publication: Bruno Sportisse
- Editor-in-chief: Olivier Faugeras
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2021
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 2801-0159
- Subjects: mathematics, neuroscience
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Inria
- Address: Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt – B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: mna AT episciences.org
Latest articles
A Quasi-Stationary Approach to Metastability in a System of Spiking Neurons with Synaptic Plasticity
A mean-field model of Integrate-and-Fire neurons: non-linear stability of the stationary solutions
[Management et organisations du sport]
Management et organisations du sport
Scientific journal of the Société Savante de Management du Sport, Management & Organisations du Sport (MOS), created in 2020, offers research articles in English and French. Published on an ongoing basis, the articles address multiple facets of sport organisation and management through different disciplinary perspectives.
- Director of publication: Julien Pierre
- Editor-in-chief: Oumaya Hidri Neys
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2020
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2020
- eISSN: 2804-8598
- Subjects: sport management, management sciences
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Société Savante de Management du Sport (S2MS)
- Address: 27/29 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: mos AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Le régime d'inégalités de la gouvernance des fédérations sportives françaises
Impacts des grands événements sportifs internationaux : points de repères et controverses
[Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics]
Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
Created in 2020, Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (OCNMP) is a mathematical journal focusing on nonlinear problems in mathematical physics. It publishes annual articles in English.
- Director of publication: Norbert Euler
- Editor-in-chief: Norbert Euler
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2020
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 2802-9356
- Subjects: mathematics, mathematical physics, non-linear sciences
- Languages of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: International Society of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
- Address: Auf der Hardt 27, 56130 Bad Ems
- Country: Germany
- Contact: ocnmp AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Conditional symmetries and conditional constants of motion for dynamical systems
The Volterra Integrable case. Novel analytical and numerical results
[Open Plasma Science]
Open Plasma Science
Created in 2023, Open Plasma Science is a peer-reviewed journal supported by the University of Lorraine. It publishes articles in English covering plasma science in the broadest sense, from fusion plasmas to high- and low-pressure discharge plasmas, from plasma-surface or plasma-liquid interactions to turbulence in plasmas, from propulsion to manufacturing processes using plasmas.
- Director of publication: Hélène Boulanger
- Editor-in-chief: Jérôme Moritz
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2023
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2023
- eISSN: 3076-1468
- Subject: plasma physics
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Université de Lorraine
- Address: Institut Jean Lamour, Campus Artem, 2 allée André Guinier, BP 50840, 54011 Nancy Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: ops AT episciences.org
Latest articles
FEQIS: A free-boundary equilibrium solver for integrated modeling of tokamak plasmas
Impurity Parallel Velocity Gradient instability
[Le partenariat de soin avec le patient : analyses]
Le partenariat de soin avec le patient : analyses
A product of the first International Colloquium on Care Partnership with the Patient in France (Nice, October 2019), the journal Le partenariat de soin avec le patient : analyses, carried by the Centre d’innovation du partenariat avec les patients et le public (CI3P), came into being in 2020. This biannual journal publishes articles in French in the health sciences at both micro (clinical), meso (services, networks and organisation) and macro (health policy) levels.
- Director of publication: Jeanick Brisswalter
- Editors-in-chief: David Darmon and Luigi Flora
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: biannual
- Date created: 2020
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2024
- eISSN: 2726-484X
- Subjects: medical humanities, health sciences
- Language of publication: French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Université Côte d’Azur
- Address: Centre d’innovation du partenariat avec les patients et le public (CI3P), Faculté de médecine de l’Université Côte d’Azur, 28 avenue Valombrose, 06107 Nice Cedex 2
- Country: France
- Contact: pspa AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Vers une participation effective des patients à la formation initiale des médecins : retour sur les travaux menés par le ministère chargé de la santé
Mise en œuvre d’un dispositif expérimental en Bretagne pour sécuriser l’engagement patient dans le partenariat en ETP, au regard de son statut et de la préservation de ses droits sociaux
[Revue africaine de santé et de productions animales]
Revue africaine de santé et de productions animales
Launched in 2004, the Revue africaine de santé et de productions animales (RASPA) is supported by the École inter-États des sciences et médecine vétérinaires in Dakar. It publishes twice-yearly articles in French on animal health and production.
- Director of publication: Pr Yalacé Yamba Kaboret
- Editor-in-chief: Pr Rock Allister Lapo
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: biannual
- Date created: 2004
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2024
- Subjects: animal health and production sciences
- Language of publication: French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: École inter-États des sciences et médecine vétérinaires
- Address: BP 5077, Dakar-Fann
- Country: Senegal
- Contact: raspa AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Utilisation d'outils épidémiologiques dans l'évaluation de six méthodes empiriques de diagnostic de gestation chez la jument au Sénégal : une étude pilote
Exérèse du jabot chez le pigeon mondain : une approche chirurgicale innovante
[Recherches en didactique des mathématiques]
Recherches en didactique des mathématiques
Founded in 1980, Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques is an international journal of fundamental research in the didactics of mathematics. Edited by the Association pour la Recherche en Didactique des Mathématiques, it publishes articles in English, French and Spanish three times a year.
- Director of publication: Marie-Line Gardes
- Editorial manager: Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet
- Editors-in-chief: Mariam Haspekian and Elisabetta Robotti
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: three volumes per year
- Date created: 1980
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2023
- eISSN: 2728-2422
- Subjects: applied mathematics, didactics of mathematics
- Languages of publication: English, French, Spanish
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Association pour la Recherche en Didactique des Mathématiques (ARDM)
- Address: Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris
- Country: France
- Contact: rdm AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Une étude comparative de l'enseignement des équations quadratiques dans cinq curricula scolaires : le Brésil, la France, le Japon, l'Espagne et le Vietnam
Ressources pour revitaliser la recherche sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de la multiplication à l’école élémentaire
The annual journal Slovo (word, parole or verb in Russian and other Slavic languages) publishes articles on the languages, literatures, cultures and civilisations of the peoples of the post-Soviet space (Slavic, Siberian, Finno-Ugric, Caucasian, Baltic or Central Asian) and of Central and Balkan Europe. Created in 1978 and published by the Presses de l’Inalco, the journal is both multi-area and transdisciplinary, covering most of the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences.
- Director of publication: Jean-François Huchet
- Editors-in-chief: Catherine Géry ; Marie Vrinat-Nikolov
- Medium: print and electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 1978
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2017
- eISSN: 2557-9851
- Subjects: anthropology, arts, history, linguistics, literature, social sciences
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: peer review
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Presses de l’Inalco
- Address: 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
- Country: France
- Contact: slovo AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Liste des éditrices et rédactrices en chef de la presse périodique russophone dans l’Empire russe, 1763-1890
Anna Engelhardt (1835-1903) : éditrice, traductrice, critique littéraire et plus encore
Sociétés plurielles
Sociétés plurielles
The journal Sociétés plurielles, created in 2017, is the result of the research programme of the same name associating several universities in Île-de-France within the COMUE Sorbonne Paris Cité. Published by the Presses de l’Inalco, it welcomes articles in French, English, Spanish, German and Italian. The journal covers all fields of study concerned with the plural in society and strongly supports interdisciplinary approaches.
- Director of publication: Jean-François Huchet
- Editor-in-chief: Madalina Vartejanu-Joubert
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2017
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2017
- eISSN: 2557-9959
- Subjects: anthropology, area studies, history, sociology, socio-linguistics
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: peer review
- CC BY-NC 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Presses de l’Inalco
- Address: 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
- Country: France
- Contact: societes-plurielles AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Pecqueux Anthony, Poupin Perrine et Vuillerod Jean-Baptiste (coord.), « Tracés », hors-série no 22 : « L’interdisciplinarité “en effet” : sciences sociales, sciences naturelles »
Badrinathan Vasumathi, Pejoska-Bouchereau Frosa, Racine Odile, Szende Thomas (dir.), « Médier entre langues, cultures et identités : enjeux, outils, stratégies. Mediating between languages, cultures, identities: challenges, tools, strategies »: Éditions des archives contemporaines (Coll. Plidam), 2022
Established in 2021, TheoretiCS covers all areas of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS). A joint effort of the TCS community, the journal is published by the TheoretiCS Foundation, a non-profit organisation based in Germany. The journal publishes research papers in English on an ongoing basis, including revised and extended versions of conference papers.
- Director of publication: Thomas Schwentick
- Editors-in-chief: Anca Muscholl and Uri Zwick
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2021
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 2751-4838
- Subjects: Theoretical Computer Science
- Language of publication: English
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: TheoretiCS Foundation e.V.
- Address: c/o Thomas Schwentick – Schillingstr. 23, D-44139 Dortmund
- Country: Germany
- Contact: theoretics AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Exponential Resolution Lower Bounds for Weak Pigeonhole Principle and Perfect Matching Formulas over Sparse Graphs
Regular Languages in the Sliding Window Model
[A DARIAH Journal]
A DARIAH Journal
Transformations:A DARIAH Journal is a multilingual journal created in 2024 by the European research infrastructure DARIAH ERIC. It’s an ongoing publication with thematic issues in Digital Humanities, humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts. The journal is particularly interested in the use of digital tools, methods and resources in a reproducible approach. It welcomes scientific contributions on collections of data, workflows and software analysis.
- Director of publication: Toma Tasovac
- Editor-in-chief: Toma Tasovac
- Managing editors: Anne Baillot, Françoise Gouzi
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: ongoing
- Date created: 2024
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2024
- eISSN: pending
- Subjects: Digital Humanities, Social Sciences and Humanities, Arts
- Languages of publication: English, French, German, Spanish
- Review process: open peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: DARIAH ERIC
- Address: 54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
- Country: France
- Contact: transformations AT episciences.org