SCOSS pledge and funding

Episciences is an open infrastructure supported by SCOSS (6th funding cycle)

The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) is a network of influential organisations committed to helping secure Open Access (OA) and Open Science (OS) infrastructure well into the future.


The SCOSS Board considers Episciences to be a mature model for overlay journals, leveraging repository infrastructures to enhance scholarly accessibility.

Download the SCOSS Episciences flyer

Why support Episciences?

By supporting Episciences, you are strengthening a publishing platform that is both academic-led and academic-owned. Your contribution helps support new journals and advance publishing tools built on open repositories and infrastructures.

The Episciences program
  • improve the publishing platform and the services offered to the scientific communities,
  • welcome new journals and broaden thematic coverage by opening up to new disciplines,
  • improve production tools, for example by offering new publication formats,
  • support new repositories,
  • create a network of ambassadors to promote the overlay model and the platform.
Our commitments for sponsors
  • name of the organization on the Episciences website,
  • subscription to a mailing list,
  • invitation to webinars on Episciences.

Donation levels

SCOSS funding target: 397 250 €

Organisation size Annual contribution level
Large organisations from high-income countries

4 000 € annually for 3 years

Small organisations from high-income countries

2 000 € annually for 3 years


8 000 € annually for 3 years

Organisations from low and middle income countries and others with lower incomes

500 € annually for 3 years


A 25% discount will be deducted from consortia that provide pledges from ten or more pledging institutions.

Organisations wishing to support Episciences should contact us at membership[at]