Funding by the supervisory bodies
The financing of the CCSD is jointly ensured by its supervising bodies (CNRS, Inria, INRAE) ; the Ministry of higher education and research (MESR)
Inria and Institut Fourier bring a specific support to Episciences by their contribution to the editorial support of the journals.
The material infrastructure of Episciences is shared with HAL and Sciencesconf.
Funding by project
Episciences has received a grant from the European Union in the framework of the OpenAIRE Nexus project (European Commission grant 101017452 “OpenAIRE Nexus – OpenAIRE-Nexus Scholarly Communication Services for EOSC users”).
Episciences is a partner of the HALOWIN project and as such is supported by the French National Fund for Open Science (FNSO). The nepHAL+ and Édisciences projects are also supported by the FNSO.
The CNRS has provided an exceptional grant for the development of new public interfaces for journal websites, automatic citation extraction and participation in OpenCitations and the addition of features related to open peer-review.
Institutional funding
Institutions can contribute on a one-time or recurring basis to the operation of a journal or the platform. See also our sponsors.
French institutions that are members of the Couperin consortium can participate in campaigns to support open science initiatives organised by the consortium.
Episciences is supported by the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS).