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- Social Sciences and Humanities
[Network analysis for social sciences]
Network analysis for social sciences
Created in 2016, Arcs—Network analysis for social sciences is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to network analysis in the humanities and social sciences. The journal publishes articles in French or English, encouraging reproducible research and data sharing.
- Director of publication: Éric Denis
- Editors-in-chief: Laurent Beauguitte, Claire Lagesse and Marion Maisonobe
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2016
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2017
- eISSN: 2610-2609
- Subject: Social Sciences and Humanities
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: UMR8504 Géographie-cités
- Address: bâtiment de recherches sud, Campus Condorcet, 5 cours des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: arcs AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Construction de Réseaux d'Ordre Supérieur à partir de Traces : Méthodes et Outils
Chaînes relationnelles dans l'accès à l'emploi : perspective à partir d'une enquête récente en France
[Archéologies. Sociétés, réseaux, matériaux]
Archéologies. Sociétés, réseaux, matériaux
The journal Archéologies. Sociétés, réseaux, matériaux was founded in 2023. Supported by Université Lumière Lyon 2, it publishes multidisciplinary research in French, from recent prehistory to the modern era.
- Director of publication: Nathalie Dompnier
- Editor-in-chief: Anne Schmitt
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2023
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2023
- eISSN: 3003-5430
- Subjects: archaeology
- Language of publication: French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Université Lumière Lyon 2
- Address: 5 avenue Pierre Mendès France, 69676 Bron
- Country: France
- Contact: asrm AT episciences.org
Latest articles
L’approvisionnement en molasse dans les bâtiments savoyards du bord du Léman au Moyen Âge : l’exemple du château de Ripaille
Nous entrerons dans la carrière quand nos aînés n'y seront plus. Difficultés de découverte, de datation et d'interprétation des carrières médiévales en Lorraine
[Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport]
Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport
Created in 1979, the Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport/Scientific Papers in Transportation publishes biannual varia or thematic issues of articles on the field of transport, mobility and logistics. Supported by the French Association of Transport and Logistics Institutes (AFITL), the journal highlights the disciplinary diversity of the contributions.
- Director of publication: Antoine Frémont
- Editor-in-chief: Laurent Carnis
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: biannual
- Date created: 1979
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2022
- eISSN: 1150-8809
- Subjects: development, engineering, management sciences, political science, urbanism
- Language of publication: French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Association française des instituts de transport et de logistique (AFITL)
- Address: Conservatoire national des Arts et Métiers, Direction de la recherche, 4DRE01, 292 rue Saint-Martin, 75141 Paris Cedex 03
- Country: France
- Contact: cst AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Des petits ports aux grands ports : une perspective historique de la hiérarchisation des ports à Madagascar
Techniques d’inspection à distance dans les ports scandinaves de petite et moyenne taille
Data & Corpus
[The SSH Data Journal]
Data & Corpus
The SSH Data Journal
Coming soon
Data & Corpus. The SSH Data Journal was created in 2024 to publish and promote data in the humanities and social sciences, particularly in French. Published by the University of Lorraine with the support of MSH Lorraine, it publishes an annual volume and occasional articles.
- Director of publication: Hélène Boulanger
- Editor-in-chief: Florence Thiault and Audrey Knauf
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2024
- Subjects: social sciences and humanities
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC-BY-ND 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Université de Lorraine
- Address: MSH Lorraine – UAR 3261, CNRS/Université de Lorraine, 23-25 rue Baron Louis, 54000 Nancy
- Country: France
- Contact: dc AT episciences.org
[Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities]
Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities
Created in 2014, the Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities (JDMDH) is situated at the intersection of data mining and digital humanities. The articles published concern both knowledge extraction and management (network analysis, information extraction, semantic web, preference analysis, machine learning) and the humanities and social sciences (historical, political, linguistic, sociological, geographical, communication and archiving) in the digital age.
- Director of publication: Bruno Sportisse
- Editors-in-chief: Richi Nayak ; Laurent Romary ; Nicolas Turenne
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2014
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2014
- eISSN: 2416-5999
- Subjects: social sciences and humanities, digital humanities, text mining
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Inria
- Address: Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt – B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: jdmdh AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Out of Context! Managing the Limitations of Context Windows in ChatGPT-4o Text Analyses
Comparing Human-Perceived Cluster Characteristics through the Lens of CIPHE: Measuring Coherence beyond Keywords
[Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science]
Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science
Created in 2016, Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science (JIMIS) is an interdisciplinary journal crossing scientific views between humanities and social sciences and exact and experimental sciences. Supported by Éditions universitaires d’Avignon, the publication addresses transversal, thematic or methodological themes in the form of transdisciplinary special issues. The articles are published in English and French on a rolling basis.
- Director of publication: Julie Deramond
- Editor-in-chief: Didier Josselin
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2016
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2016
- eISSN: 2430-3038
- Subject: interdisciplinary
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Éditions universitaires d’Avignon
- Address: 74 rue Louis Pasteur, 84029 Avignon Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: jimis AT espisciences.org
Latest articles
Tetiaroa diachronic geomorphology 1955 -2023 Monitoring the shoreline and vegetation cover of tropical atoll in the climate change context
Recyclage des données pour la planification spatiale marine: examen des plans maritimes en Europe
J. Philos. Econ.
[Journal of Philosophical Economics]
J. Philos. Econ.
Journal of Philosophical Economics
Journal of Philosophical Economics is a social science journal founded in 2007. Published by Editura ASE, J. Philos. Econ. publishes one volume per year containing articles and book reviews in German, English or French.
- Director of publication: Dr. Simona Bușoi
- Editor-in-chief: Valentin Cojanu
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2007
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2021
- eISSN: 1844-8208
- Subjects: Social sciences, Philosophy, Economic theory
- Languages of publication: English, French, German
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Editura ASE
- Address: Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti, Piata Romana 6, 010374 Bucuresti
- Country: Romania
- Contact: jpe AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Cultural Economics and Economic Epistemology: some Preliminary Considerations
Review of Having Too Much: Philosophical Essays on Limitarianism, edited by Ingrid Robeyns, Cambridge, UK, Open Book Publishers, 2023
[Management et organisations du sport]
Management et organisations du sport
Scientific journal of the Société Savante de Management du Sport, Management & Organisations du Sport (MOS), created in 2020, offers research articles in English and French. Published on an ongoing basis, the articles address multiple facets of sport organisation and management through different disciplinary perspectives.
- Director of publication: Julien Pierre
- Editor-in-chief: Oumaya Hidri Neys
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: continuous
- Date created: 2020
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2020
- eISSN: 2804-8598
- Subjects: sport management, management sciences
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: single blind peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Société Savante de Management du Sport (S2MS)
- Address: 27/29 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
- Country: France
- Contact: mos AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Le régime d'inégalités de la gouvernance des fédérations sportives françaises
Impacts des grands événements sportifs internationaux : points de repères et controverses
The annual journal Slovo (word, parole or verb in Russian and other Slavic languages) publishes articles on the languages, literatures, cultures and civilisations of the peoples of the post-Soviet space (Slavic, Siberian, Finno-Ugric, Caucasian, Baltic or Central Asian) and of Central and Balkan Europe. Created in 1978 and published by the Presses de l’Inalco, the journal is both multi-area and transdisciplinary, covering most of the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences.
- Director of publication: Jean-François Huchet
- Editors-in-chief: Catherine Géry ; Marie Vrinat-Nikolov
- Medium: print and electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 1978
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2017
- eISSN: 2557-9851
- Subjects: anthropology, arts, history, linguistics, literature, social sciences
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: peer review
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Presses de l’Inalco
- Address: 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
- Country: France
- Contact: slovo AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Liste des éditrices et rédactrices en chef de la presse périodique russophone dans l’Empire russe, 1763-1890
Anna Engelhardt (1835-1903) : éditrice, traductrice, critique littéraire et plus encore
Sociétés plurielles
Sociétés plurielles
The journal Sociétés plurielles, created in 2017, is the result of the research programme of the same name associating several universities in Île-de-France within the COMUE Sorbonne Paris Cité. Published by the Presses de l’Inalco, it welcomes articles in French, English, Spanish, German and Italian. The journal covers all fields of study concerned with the plural in society and strongly supports interdisciplinary approaches.
- Director of publication: Jean-François Huchet
- Editor-in-chief: Madalina Vartejanu-Joubert
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: annual
- Date created: 2017
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2017
- eISSN: 2557-9959
- Subjects: anthropology, area studies, history, sociology, socio-linguistics
- Languages of publication: English, French
- Review process: peer review
- CC BY-NC 4.0 licence
- Publisher: Presses de l’Inalco
- Address: 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
- Country: France
- Contact: societes-plurielles AT episciences.org
Latest articles
Pecqueux Anthony, Poupin Perrine et Vuillerod Jean-Baptiste (coord.), « Tracés », hors-série no 22 : « L’interdisciplinarité “en effet” : sciences sociales, sciences naturelles »
Badrinathan Vasumathi, Pejoska-Bouchereau Frosa, Racine Odile, Szende Thomas (dir.), « Médier entre langues, cultures et identités : enjeux, outils, stratégies. Mediating between languages, cultures, identities: challenges, tools, strategies »: Éditions des archives contemporaines (Coll. Plidam), 2022
[A DARIAH Journal]
A DARIAH Journal
Transformations:A DARIAH Journal is a multilingual journal created in 2024 by the European research infrastructure DARIAH ERIC. It’s an ongoing publication with thematic issues in Digital Humanities, humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts. The journal is particularly interested in the use of digital tools, methods and resources in a reproducible approach. It welcomes scientific contributions on collections of data, workflows and software analysis.
- Director of publication: Toma Tasovac
- Editor-in-chief: Toma Tasovac
- Managing editors: Anne Baillot, Françoise Gouzi
- Medium: electronic
- Frequency: ongoing
- Date created: 2024
- Date of publication on Episciences: 2024
- eISSN: pending
- Subjects: Digital Humanities, Social Sciences and Humanities, Arts
- Languages of publication: English, French, German, Spanish
- Review process: open peer review
- CC BY 4.0 licence
- Publisher: DARIAH ERIC
- Address: 54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
- Country: France
- Contact: transformations AT episciences.org