The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS), established in 2017, is a network of influential organisations committed to helping secure OA and OS infrastructure well into the future.
See also SCOSS pledge and funding
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The Couperin Consortium is an association of French higher education and research institutions that aims to develop access to scientific and technical information for the scientific community by facilitating national negotiations on digital documentary resources and supporting open science.
As part of its action in favour of open access to scientific information and any initiative aimed at strengthening its development, Couperin encourages its members to provide financial support to infrastructures working for open science.
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KOALA – A German acronym translating to “Establishing Consortial Open Access Solutions” – established consortial solutions for financing open access.
The KOALA funding model provides fair and sustainable funding for quality-assured APC-free open access publications (“Diamond Open Access”). It reduces financial barriers for authors and thus facilitates participation in OA publications.
KOALA Mathematics and Computer Sciences 2024-2026 comprising the following Episciences journals:
- Logical Methods in Computer Science
- TheoretiCS
- Epijournal de Géométrie Algébrique

SIKT (Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research) is a collaborative body that develops, purchases, and delivers products and services designed to enhance education and research experiences. We offer a common infrastructure and joint services for the knowledge sector.
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