- Todo
- Actas de conferencias
- Biomecánica
- Ciencias de la Tierra
- Ciencias humanas y sociales
- Ciencias sanitarias
- Física
- Informática y matemáticas aplicadas
- Matemáticas
- Mecánica
- Medioambiente
Actas de conferencias
[Electronic Publishing]
Electronic Publishing
La conferencia ElPub, celebrada anualmente entre 1997 y 2020, presenta los resultados de investigaciones sobre diversos aspectos de la edición digital, en las que participa una comunidad internacional diversa de todas las disciplinas de las ciencias y las humanidades.
La última conferencia ElPub se celebró en 2020; los textos de las conferencias de 2018, 2019 y 2020 siguen disponibles en el sitio web.
- Tipo de soporte: electrónico
- Periodicidad: anual
- Estado de la colección: 2018-2020
- Fecha de publicación en Episciences: 2018
- Idiomas de publicación: inglés
Últimos artículos
Actas de conferencias
Informática y matemáticas aplicadas
[Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science]
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science
ENTICS, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science, creada en 2022, publica en inglés actas de conferencias y talleres de informática teórica.
- Director de publicación: Bruno Sportisse
- Redactor en jefe: Michael Mislove
- Tipo de soporte: electrónico
- Periodicidad: sobre la marcha
- Año de creación: 2022
- Fecha de publicación en Episciences: 2023
- eISSN: 2969-2431
- Disciplinas: informática teórica
- Idiomas de publicación: inglés
- Procedimiento de evaluación: evaluación simple ciega
- Licence CC BY 4.0
- Editor: Inria
- Dirección postal: Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt – B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
- País: Francia
- Contacto: entics AT episciences.org
Últimos artículos
Implicit automata in {\lambda}-calculi III: affine planar string-to-string functions
We prove a characterization of first-order string-to-string transduction via $\lambda$-terms typed in non-commutative affine logic that compute with Church encoding, extending the analogous known characterization of star-free languages. We show that every first-order transduction can be computed by a $\lambda$-term using a known Krohn-Rhodes-style decomposition lemma. The converse direction is given by compiling $\lambda$-terms into two-way reversible planar transducers. The soundness of this translation involves showing that the transition functions of those transducers live in a monoidal closed category of diagrams in which we can interpret purely affine $\lambda$-terms. One challenge is that the unit of the tensor of the category in question is not a terminal object. As a result, our interpretation does not identify $\beta$-equivalent terms, but it does turn $\beta$-reductions into inequalities in a poset-enrichment of the category of diagrams.
Pradic, Cécilia
December 11, 2024
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Cost-sensitive computational adequacy of higher-order recursion in synthetic domain theory
We study a cost-aware programming language for higher-order recursion dubbed $\textbf{PCF}_\mathsf{cost}$ in the setting of synthetic domain theory (SDT). Our main contribution relates the denotational cost semantics of $\textbf{PCF}_\mathsf{cost}$ to its computational cost semantics, a new kind of dynamic semantics for program execution that serves as a mathematically natural alternative to operational semantics in SDT. In particular we prove an internal, cost-sensitive version of Plotkin's computational adequacy theorem, giving a precise correspondence between the denotational and computational semantics for complete programs at base type. The constructions and proofs of this paper take place in the internal dependent type theory of an SDT topos extended by a phase distinction in the sense of Sterling and Harper. By controlling the interpretation of cost structure via the phase distinction in the denotational semantics, we show that $\textbf{PCF}_\mathsf{cost}$ programs also evince a noninterference property of cost and behavior. We verify the axioms of the type theory by means of a model construction based on relative sheaf models of SDT.
Niu, Yue
December 11, 2024
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